Planning a downtown for North Bellport

NY Forward awards $4.5 million for revitalization


North Bellport business owners, residents, and consultants discussed priorities for planning an active downtown in the hamlet at the second NY Forward Local Planning Committee meeting on June 13.

Along with hearing concerns like housing affordability and access to grocery stores, the committee defined the program’s geographic boundaries and talked about the project’s next phase, which includes community engagement workshops and an open call for project development.

The state-funded program, NY Forward, aims to “invigorate and enliven downtowns in New York’s smaller and rural communities,” and they awarded North Bellport $4.5 million to do just that.

Project planner from BFJ Planning, Suzanne Goldberg, talked about the abundance of vacant lots around the hamlet that are ideal for developing an area that “feels like a downtown.” Residents agreed, highlighting the hamlet’s lack of grocery stores, restaurants, and recreation centers.

Locals also said that business development will stall without sewage access and that the committee should consider public safety, especially at night. Installing more lighting around town, along with building more sidewalks, were some potential solutions residents proposed.

The committee also finalized the revitalization program’s borders, which will encompass North Bellport west to east from N. Dunton to Bellport Avenues, and north to south from Brookhaven Avenue to Beaver Dam Road.

New businesses like a bank and grocery store will likely develop around Montauk Highway, near the Bellport train station, with a proposed green trail running along the highway.

On June 20, the first public workshop will be at the Bellport Boys and Girls Club from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., where residents can learn more about the development program and voice their opinions in roundtable discussions.

Also on June 20, the program will launch an open call for project proposals. Eligible project types include “streetscape and transportation improvements,” new buildings, and marking proposals.

For projects less than $75,000, such as building improvements and electrical or plumbing work, business owners can apply for funds through a separate “Small Project Fund.” Applications for both the project and small projects will close in early August.

More information about the Bellport NY Forward program and how to submit project proposals can be found on the Town of Brookhaven website under “Brookhaven-North Bellport NY Forward Program.”


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