FOCUS East Patchogue seeks input for public park

Nicole Fuentes
Posted 4/4/24

The Town of Brookhaven has proposed a park to be located on the site of the former Plaza Theater located on East Main Street. The site is currently a vacant lot owned by the town that has since been …

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FOCUS East Patchogue seeks input for public park


The Town of Brookhaven has proposed a park to be located on the site of the former Plaza Theater located on East Main Street. The site is currently a vacant lot owned by the town that has since been designated for community benefit.

The community benefit was obtained as a condition of an application for the construction of a 40-unit apartment complex on the adjacent property to the rear of the New York Cancer and Blood medical building by a developer known as G4. 

“This area is just prime for something we want to do here,” said Focus East Patchogue member John Quatrale, noting that despite its size, there are several opportunities.

Focus East Patchogue recently held a public meeting to discuss to proposal on Tuesday, March 26 at the Hagerman Fire Department at 7 p.m. About 40 people attended.

During the meeting, residents expressed their concerns for more rental units; however, they made suggestions for the park, including multipurpose courts suited for pickleball and basketball, a track for bike riding, and a skate park.

Also, the majority of those in attendance agreed on not implementing a standard play structure or a gazebo as to not attract potential vagrancy.

During the meeting, Focus gathered the feedback and now expects to meet with Brookhaven Town councilman Neil Foley and the developer to come up with a plan that aligns with the desire of the community.

“The voice of the community is needed to determine what type of park will be created and how it will be maintained,” added Quatrale. 


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  • jay

    Please to pass an approval for a "passive" park similar to the one next to and across from Giovanni's. it's just a tick infested, unmaintained mess of "native" weeds. Vandalism is a threat to the park, I understand, but there has to be a happy medium. the benches are beds for homeless people. see what other towns are doing to avoid both ends of these decisions. Otherwise, maintained grass or synthetic turf (no irrigation/mowing) to allow for at least frisbee and ballgames.

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